Freya's Page

Heart n Soul's First Class Miracle Margarita aka Freya
Ch Ashtaff Bithynia Chosen One X Ch Heart n Soul's Doctor X

When I first started showing Daphne there was one bitch that I will never forget. Even though she lived in Illinois we somehow managed to be with her in the ring head to head six times at least. That bitch was Ch Ashtaff Bithynia Chosen One aka Pookie owned by Andrew Currier, Oneofakind Staffords. I never forgot Pookie.

Freya 4 WheelinLet's fast forward to the future, circa fall 2010, Cindy Long, Heart n Soul Staffords and I were Saving the Stafford World over Margaritas and she casually mentioned that Andy had contacted her about breeding Pookie to her boy Max, Ch Heart n Soul's Doctor X. I was so excited I asked her to take a puppy bitch back for stud fee and let me have her! It was one of those questions I don't think she had a choice because I was going to bother her until she gave in and got me a Max X Pookie puppy girl. Well the next heat came and went for some reason a breeding never took place. Meanwhile I had forgotten about a pup, that's what happens when one makes plans over Margaritas. Apparently Andy and his father, Daniel, had not forgotten and the plan began to take shape again. About mid June 2011 Daniel contacted Cindy and said he was driving to California to breed Pookie to Max! I think only two days passed and he was pulling in to Sacramento and going to stay with Yanni at our Citrus Heights place. Cindy would bring Max there for the matings. Daniel was a bit early in his calculations and fast in his driving so needless to say neither dog was too terribly interested. Cindy and I had planned to go to Great Western to watch the dog show and hang with Stafford people but we also wanted to get the breeding done. So we put Max in the truck and Team Pookie followed us to Long Beach. Once in Long Beach Karyn's RV was used as the honeymoon suite more than once but the two dogs continued to be not too interested. Sunday afternoon the show was over and Max and Pookie had one last opportunity to try make whoopee and, still nothing. So we all packed up and drove back to Sacramento. By now Daniel had been with us 1 week and probably drivin 3000 miles! We arrived back in Sacramento and got settled so that we could resume the breeding process. Cindy came down the next few days and they finally got two ties; three if we count a quickie! If I remember correctly she sent me phone pics which I really did not need to see. Daniel went home after about ten days with hopefully some lil buns in Pookie's oven.

Freya with Cindy LongThe puppies were born at the end of August and we gossiped and speculated about them for eight weeks. During this time I went back and forth wondering if this was the right thing to do. Cindy was not getting photos or videos per se that would show us anything. But if I kept in my mind on who the parents were for this litter I would be reminded that when you mix two great dogs you are bound to have something special in there. Halloween weekend 2011 Cindy and I got on a plane with our little dog carrier and flew to Chicago and then drove three hours to Andy's place to hang out with the babies. There were two lovely females. The little one was a show stopper and she knew it. The other female, who was a bit more substantial was sensitive and sweet and low key. This was an agonizing decision I wanted to the show stopper but the bigger girl was exactly what I was looking for. I think I knew from the beginning who I wanted but the little confident one kept distracting me. Cindy was great, she took a step back and let me wring my hands over this for awhile and when I said "The One" she said "Good choice". Apparently Cindy knew that the pup had chosen me earlier and was just waiting for me to realize it. By the way, I knew the bigger one was not going to be "big" because I knew the parents and Cindy knew what was behind Max, how big could she be? Well the bigger one is just about 15" and weighs 27.8 lbs at 11 months and her name is Freya, so I could not be happier.

View Freya's Pedigree

I remember seeing Max and Pookie together and thinking this is a really great mating. Pookie is gorgeous and has lots breed type and with so many virtues that I would like to have. Max is very similar body style with an equally gorgeous head and is very well built. I wish I had been able to get photos of them together. To this day I cannot tell who I see more in Freya! One day she looks like mom and then next like dad. Then I see a photo of Pookie and think wow Freya is the spitting image of her. Then I see a photo of Caruso, one of Max's pups from a previous litter and think Freya looks just like her father's side.

I think Freya is gorgeous. She has many of the qualities I was hoping to obtain from this breeding. Freya's temperament is beyond my expectations. I am proud to have two very lovely but different bitches in my home. It will make proceeding forward with breeding future dogs easy for me. I am excited to see what will come, but now I am putting the cart before the horse.

Freya's name is a compilation of the adventure it took to bring her home. She was imagined and dreamed of over Margaritas, it was almost a Miracle it all happened, and she flew home in the First Class cabin of the plane and you know Cindy's affix; Heart n Soul.

I must give credit where credit is due and this mating was the brain child of Andrew Currier. I think it was a brilliant idea and I am beyond happy that he allowed this beautiful girl to come to California for Cindy and I to share. My only words to Andy are that we will not let you down. This little girl will never have a care in the world and I hope you will consider all of her successes as yours. Thank you Andy!

Freya has been to a handful shows and I am very happy with her so far. She is a little bit slow maturing but that is exactly what we have hoped for. It is my opinion that if a dog matures too early he will continue to mature and be much more of a dog than is "correct" at 4-6 years old. I have my Staffords for life and I want them to be balanced when they are "done".